When I need to go to "my happy place"... I really go there!

When I need to go to "my happy place"... I really go there!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Don't Worry About the 1st Amendment Either...

Post on hell lands pastor in hot water - UMC.org

The United Methodist Church continues to major in minors with another episode that is good for garnering headlines but does very little to fulfill Jesus' commandment to go and make disciples, to feed the hungry, care for the sick, the impoverished, those in jail. I have to give credit to my life long denomination for its consistency: it continues to find ways to self-destruct, or at least prepare itself for a preemptive strike, by its failure to disagree without being disagreeable. Each side of constituents of a particular issue, be it abortion, death penalty, homosexuality, sexuality, healthcare reform, federal budget priorities, and now it seems the appropriateness of whether a person can have doubts or re-think or change one's view of theological doctrine, whip up a tempest in a teapot. God forbid we struggle with our faith--no one else ever has, right? You hear that Mother Teresa? You too John Wesley, Paul, Abraham, and Jesus. Heaven help us if our pastors are resorting to reading books and reflecting on what they say. But anyway, the UMC is consistent in its lack of civility and tolerance in theological discourse, and its decades long decline in membership. Wesley said that he did not fear that the Methodist Church in America would ever cease to exist but referencing scripture said he feared it would be holding "to the outward form of godliness but denying its power" (2 Tim. 3:5).

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